Menopause talk… it’s not just hot flushes 🥵
I have spoken with gym clients this week about menopause on more than one occasion and it’s really interesting to see how many of you want to use the gym as a way of keeping healthy throughout.
I have a very special and personal interest in peri/menopause and how combatting symptoms with the correct exercise and nutrition will really add SO much quality to your life… not to mention prevent bone related injuries and poor mental health.
After cancer treatment unfortunately I suffered the negative affects of chemotherapy and the chemicals coupled with weight loss were so strong that my whole hormonal system broke down an I went into an early menopause.
Fast forward some years and the wonderfully clever Endos at Christie Hospital have helped me live the most natural and close to normal life as a female through the years. My 40’s have meant my own natural fluctuations mimic that of someone in the peri-menopause state. So for me, nutrition (lots of healthy plant based and oestrogen rich foods), coupled with the correct exercise (cardio and weight bearing) and simple lifestyle changes have meant that over 2 years I have regained energy, improved B12 and iron and feel in a much better place mentally. It’s been a bumpy ride but I’m living it as best as I can… after all I was given a second chance to be alive. And I love life.
Remember to get your health check over 40, peri-menopause is often misunderstood and the symptoms that go with it. You CAN be yourself again… say bye bye to brain fog!! Menopause matters.
#menopause #earlymenopause #fitnessformenopause #fitafter40 #findyoursport #sportformenopause #northwalesfitness #fitnesscoachfemale #womensfitnessmotivation
